Upcoming events.

Yoga & Acupuncture: A Centering Winter Solstice Celebration
This yoga & acupuncture workshop is part of our Wheel of the Year Yoga & Acupuncture Series.
We will be celebrating the energy of the Winter Solstice - one of the 4 ancient Solar Days - that marks the beginning of winter.
This event will consist of a yoga class that will help attune us to the deepening energy of winter as we settle into this nourishing, more internal time of the year. We will follow our yoga session with a supportive community-style acupuncture treatment on our yoga mats.
Please click on event for more details.

Yoga & Acupuncture: A Transformative Fall Equinox Celebration
This yoga & acupuncture workshop is part of our Wheel of the Year Yoga & Acupuncture Series.
We will be celebrating the energy of the Fall Equinox - one of the 4 ancient Solar Days - that marks the beginning of autumn.
This event will consist of a yoga class that will help attune us to the transformative energy of autumn as we begin our transition from the outward expression of summer to the inward reflection of autumn. We will follow our yoga session with a supportive community-style acupuncture treatment on our yoga mats.
Please click on event for more details.

Yoga & Acupuncture: Nourishing Energy Lammas Celebration
This yoga & acupuncture workshop is part of our Wheel of the Year Yoga & Acupuncture Series.
We will be celebrating the energy of Lammas - one of the 4 ancient Fire Festivals - that marks the height of Summer.
This event will consist of a yoga class harnessing the nutritive, ripening energy of Summer, followed by community-style acupuncture on our yoga mats.
Please click on event for more details.

Yoga & Acupuncture: Radiant Energy Summer Solstice Celebration
This yoga & acupuncture workshop is part of our Wheel of the Year Yoga & Acupuncture Series.
We will be celebrating the energy of Litha - or the Summer Solstice - one of the 4 ancient Solar Festivals. The Summer Solstice marks the beginning of Summer and celebrates the longest day of the year.
This event will consist of a yoga class harnessing the radiant power of the sun, followed by community-style acupuncture on our yoga mats.
Please click on event for more details.

Yoga & Acupuncture: Abundant Life Force Beltane Celebration
This yoga & acupuncture workshop is part of our Wheel of the Year Yoga & Acupuncture Series.
We will be celebrating the energy of Beltane - one of the 4 ancient Fire Festivals that marks the height of Spring.
This event will consist of a yoga class harnessing the abundant life force of spring energy, followed by community-style acupuncture on our yoga mats.
Please click on event for more details.