Holistic health for physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical tradition based in the fundamentals of nature and balance. When the body is in balance within itself, symptoms subside.
Chinese medicine is based on a system of energy pathways called “meridians” which run internally and externally through the entire body. These meridians connect internally to the organ systems and externally to the acupuncture points. They carry energy and information throughout the entire system - similar to our understanding of the nervous system .
The meridians flow through the body like a complex river system. When the rivers are all flowing freely, the body is in balance. When there are blockages in these meridians - like dams in a river - we start to experience what we know as “symptoms”.
Through in depth diagnosis, acupuncturists can determine where these blockages are located within the meridian system and through insertion of tiny needles along these energy pathways, can help correct the flow, thus restoring balance back into the body.
Initial Consultation and Acupuncture Treatment
(90 minutes)
The 90-minute consultation and treatment is for new patients. It includes an in-depth health history and traditional Chinese medical diagnosis. It is followed by a full acupuncture session which may include cupping, guasha, and other modalities when applicable.
If you’re interested in herbal medicine, we can discuss possible formulas as well at this time.
Follow-up Visit
(60 minutes)
The 60-minute acupuncture session is for returning patients. It includes a brief consultation and full-body, holistic treatment which may include cupping, guasha, and other modalities, depending on your needs.
Please note, if I have seen you at a different location, we may be able to do a 60-minute new patient visit. Please contact me to set up an appointment.